Climb The Munros

Scotland’s highest peaks are the Munros – each peak over 3000 feet in height. Scramble and hike with us to the summits of the Skye Cuillin or the remote and beautiful peaks of Kintail, Torridon and beyond. More info here.

From £200 per day.

Hillwalking Munros Torridon Kintail Skye

Winter Mountaineering

Explore Scotland’s mountains at their finest in winter conditions. Experienced guides allow you to safely enjoy the challenge of winter mountaineering. Crampons, ice axes and helmets can be provided. More info here.

From £210 per day.

Winter Mountaineering Munros Torridon Kintail Skye

Rock Climbing and Abseiling

Enjoy the experience of rock climbing and abseiling in a safe, controlled environment in Skye and Lochalsh. An ideal activity for groups and families. Come and join our experienced instructors. All equipment provided. More info here.

From £150 for 3.5 hour session.

Rock Climbing Abseiling Skye Torridon Kintail

Instructor Training Qualifications

With over 10 years experience delivering nationally recognised qualifications we are well placed to deliver professional qualification courses. Bespoke training courses are also available – contact us for details.

MIAS Mountain Bike Instructor

The UK’s premier and longest established Mountain Bike Instructor qualification. Gain a respected professional qualification to lead groups on mountainbiking adventures. Recognised widely within the outdoor industry and abroad. More info here.

NNAS National Navigation Award Scheme

Build your navigation skills and knowledge with this nationally recognised qualification. With theory and practical lessons we will improve your skills and confidence and equip you for your next adventure.

MIAS Mountain Bike Instructor Award Training Course Scotland

Training courses can be arranged throughout Scotland and the UK. Get in touch to arrange your course.