Mountain Bike Instructor Course Scotland

Do you want to lead or instruct mountain biking? Qualify as a MIAS Mountain Bike Instructor with us. Since 2012 we have been an approved provider for the Mountain Bike Instructor Award Scheme (MIAS).

MIAS has been qualifying leaders since 1989 and is well regarded within the outdoor industry and also by many employers abroad. MIAS is accredited by the Association of British Cycling Coaches, Adventuremark, the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom and NCFE. MIAS qualifications are also recognised by the MOD as equivalent to JSAT awards.

There are 3 levels for MIAS Mountain Bike Instructors:

  • Level 1 – Non Technical Terrain – this award allows access into low-level terrain, with few potential hazards, i.e. country parks, canal towpaths, and non-wilderness areas where help is almost immediately accessible. Includes blue forest trail routes.
  • Level 2 – Technical Terrain – this award allows the leader to operate in open country within 30 minutes of cycling assistance. Includes red forest trail routes.
  • Level 3 – Mountainous Terrain – this award allows the leader to operate in remote country and areas defined as mountainous by the Mountain Training UK. Includes black forest trail routes.

The syllabus covers:

  • Personal Riding Skills
  • Group managementMIAS Approved Provider Moonstone
  • Communication
  • Coaching skills
  • Navigation + Route planning
  • Risk assessment
  • Management
  • Legal issues
  • Recording systems
  • Access & conservation.
  • Equipment requirements
  • Riding skills
  • Emergency repairs

The Level 1 and Level 2 courses are taught together over 2 or 3 days and, at the end, the tutor will award successful candidates either the MIAS Level 1 or Level 2 award depending on the candidates performance on the course. Cost for this course is from £225 per person. (MOD personnel can pay using Standard Learning Credits)

The Level 3 course is the highest award for leaders within MIAS and is delivered over 2 or 3 days with an increased focus on personal skills, overall mountain biking knowledge, risk assessment and navigation.

Bespoke courses can be arranged to suit your dates for a minimum of 3 people. We can also travel to your location to run the course. Contact us to arrange your Mountain Bike Instructor Course.

“Thank you very much, the course was very interesting and I definitely got a lot out of it that I will put to use when I’m working from now on!” – Joe Connell, Pro MTB Rider.

“Excellent package. Perfect pitch and learnt a great deal. It was spot on and prepares me perfectly to lead a group” – Lt Col Jo McCord, Royal Logistic Corps.

Mountain Bike Instructor Course Scotland